Friday, 17 June 2011

[VJobs] Off campus for Engineering Graduate from 2011 pass-out @ Intergraph - Hyderabad.

Dear All

Talent acquisition is the one of the core functions of the Human Resources Team. Considering the organization's requirement to have the best Talents, we look forward to your references and recommendations.

Intergraph is happy to provide an opportunity to refer your friends and relatives, who satisfy the following Criteria: 
  • Engineering Graduate from 2011 pass-out
  • Minimum of 70% academics
  • Any Specialization / Branches
 Kindly ask them to assemble at our office on July 2, 2011 to take part in our Recruitment Process.

  1. 0830 A.M. – 0900 A.M. – Registration
  2. 0900 A.M. – 0930 A.M. – Pre Placement Talk
  3. 1000 A.M. onwards Written Tests in Aptitude and Technical (20 mins. each)

Short listed candidates will be interviewed by our Technical Interview Panel and Selected will be meeting Team HR for final round of discussion.

Kindly ask the candidate to carry a copy of Resume and a passport size color photograph for Registration.

  • You need not forward their resumes to us.
  • Please do not mass email this information to your College TPOs or Professional Groups.
  • Kindly provide this opportunity only to your relatives.
If you need any clarification, please feel free to call / email us.

D Justin
Senior Manager – HR
Intergraph Consulting Private Limited
(Subsidiary of Intergraph Corporation)
1 - 8 - 446 & 447, S. P. Road, Begumpet, Opp. to Begumpet Airport,
Secunderabad - 500 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
P +91 40.2790.5378  Xtn 2003 F +91 40.2790.5389  Dir +91 40 4040.2003 Mob +91 89780 11889


  1. we can attend the interview only if we have reference?

  2. No Need if ur are eligible for the above criteria u can go for the drive.. Use "" reference if needed.. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. is INTERGRAPH a good company....

  5. Is it really required to have an employee referal.I don' know any one at INTEGRAPH.waht should i do???/I am having all the required eligibility criteria

  6. Ya its a sort of emp ref, but i have given you a employee id ""
    and all his contact details at the end of this post.. You can use them if required.. :)

  7. Sir,I have gone to the offcampus of fresher'd drive of Intergraph through reference,but they took our resumes and told that they will call us within one week,can you confirm and tell when they would call us


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